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BROMIcharge  is 99% pure sodium bromide from the Dead Sea

BROMIcharge  is 99% pure sodium bromide from the Dead Sea, which has been used for centuries for its therapeutic attributes.





30+ Years of BROMIcharge


Bromitron began selling bromine-based water sanitizers in 1990, servicing mostly a large commercial market in Florida, including Disney World, Sea World, and Rosen Hotels & Resorts.

In 2002, we began the process of obtaining an EPA registration for a two-part water sanitation system consisting of the Bromitron Bromine Generator for hot tubs and spas and BROMIcharge  sodium bromide.

Requirements for the EPA registration consisted of an Efficacy Study, Risk Assessment and a Field Study. Bromitron successfully completed each EPA requirement showing proof of safety and effectiveness of our two-part system.


After meeting the stringent EPA requirements, we were granted the very first U.S. EPA registration for a sodium bromide for use in spas with bromine generators* on May 5, 2005.

In 2007, we were fortunate enough to sign a license agree with Gecko Alliance, an established worldwide electronic manufacturing company. As a result, the original Bromitron bromine generator technology has been upgraded and has become the in.clear spa bromine generator system designed by Gecko Alliance.


For more than three decades, we have prided ourselves in selling the best possible products with the greatest quality. As we move into the future, we will continue to do everything we can to give our customers great service, the lowest prices possible, and a cleaner, safer alternative to using chlorine or an unregistered and untested sodium bromide in their spas and hot tubs.


Don't take a chance with your family’s safety. Use 99% pure BROMIcharge  sodium bromide with the in.clear water sanitation system for hot tubs and spas.


*Notice: In the United States, sodium bromide (also called "spa salt" and "bromine salt") used in conjunction with a bromine generator in spas or hot tubs MUST be registered with the U.S. EPA.

In addition, using products such as algaecides and shocks --even with an EPA registration-- for anything other than it's intended purpose, is a violation of the EPA FIFRA regulations.

BROMIcharge  is a trademark registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office


EPA registration #73578-1

© 2006-2024 by Bromitron Corporation

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