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BROMIcharge U.S. EPA Label



In 2002, Bromitron began the rigorous process of obtaining a U.S. EPA registration for a two-part bromine-based water sanitation system consisting of 1) a totally chlorine-free bromine generator for hot tubs and spas and 2) BROMIcharge, a 99% pure sodium bromide.

Requirements for the EPA registration consisted of completing an Efficacy Study, a Risk Assessment, and a Field Study.


Bromitron successfully completed each stringent EPA requirement, showing proof of the safety and effectiveness of our two-part system.


After meeting these stringent requirements, BROMIcharge sodium bromide earned the very first U.S. EPA registration for a sodium bromide for use in spas with bromine generators* on May 5, 2005.



Click here to download the BROMIcharge EPA label as a PDF file.




BromiCharge Label 73578-1 10-23

*Notice: In the United States, sodium bromide (also called "spa salt" and "bromine salt") used in conjunction with a bromine generator in spas or hot tubs MUST be registered with the U.S. EPA.

In addition, using products such as algaecides and shocks --even with an EPA registration-- for anything other than it's intended purpose, is a violation of the EPA FIFRA regulations.

BROMIcharge  is a trademark registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office


EPA registration #73578-1

© 2006-2024 by Bromitron Corporation

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